I’d like to start this blog with an article about the Aha moment because it’s a magnificent moment of transformation, of a switch. These are understandings that come suddenly when you least expect them. Pure awareness, small or large “illuminations”.
The Aha, moment is an evolutionary change and when it manifests, from that moment on, the person begins to live his life differently. There is a change in perspective, in the way things are perceived, seen and felt. There is the breaking of a pattern, the removal of a filter we have carried around for too many years. And that’s why, when someone has a mental stretch due to an Aha moment, they can never go back to their original state.
Aha moments are the most important part of your story.
And what does it have to do with Hypnosis? Why am I telling you about all this?
Because during a hypnosis session, when the conscious part, that of logical reasoning, is put aside and you directly access the unconscious part, the one responsible for creativity and connected with the Universal Consciousness; it is easier to experience an Aha moment and produce transformations, in the depths, that will influence and reflect on the choices, on the thoughts and actions that will be taken on a daily basis.
A new mental map opens.
Scientific research has been conducted (Kounios, J., & Beeman, M. (2009). Aha! Moment: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Insight. Current Directions in Psychological Science) on how and what happens when an Aha moment arrives. They used electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study neural maps in the brain. To their surprise, they observed how these moments of awareness are disconnected from the immediately preceding thought. They have shown that intuition is the culmination of a series of brain states and processes that operate on different time scales.
The most remarkable discoveries and ideas in history have also revealed how they occur more easily while carrying out activities that do not require concentration, or at least are not related to a certain issue to be solved (also called the Eureka effect). In simple words, they occur when you “give up”, don’t do and don’t think about anything. To name a few, think of how Einstein was daydreaming when he had the first decisive insight that led him to his Theory of Relativity; Newton was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity, Steve Jobs was taking a walk, and many others.
That’s why one of these moments of insight can happen during a hypnosis session. While you are comfortably seated, your muscles are completely relaxed, your breathing is soft, and your mind is free and quiet; here is a fertile ground to receive and instil new awareness and have an Aha moment.
When the unconscious and the conscious vibrate on the same frequency
The Aha moment experience has four main characteristics:
How to recognize it and what are the main characteristics of an Aha moment:
– It’s a sudden experience, it takes you by surprise.
– There is a feeling of Truth, of intuition, of instantaneous certainty.
– There is a change of perspective whereby thinking about some problems they no longer perceive themselves as such and as if it were natural so, solutions come easily.
– After its manifestation, there is a sense of centeredness, connection, and joy.
Aha moments in general bring important benefits to those who receive them:
– an increase in confidence in oneself, in others and in Life itself;
– increased self-esteem;
– a more optimistic sense of overview;
– physical and motivational energy load;
– presence and integrity;
– sense of connection with the Divine, Consciousness or the Whole;
– and the total of what each person experiences, as a unique being, in making his or her own experience.
Which, most important one, has been your Aha moment?
What changes has it brought to your life?
Do you remember what you were doing when it arrived?
For an instant, close your eyes and go back to that moment, how did you experience it? What did you feel?
What are the bodily sensations? What kind of energy was it?
Go into detail and relive that magnificent experience and invite your unconscious to welcome new awareness...
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