The session begins with a conversation in which the objectives are defined.

It is established in advance and by mutual agreement on what to intervene, then, through hypnosis and the use of gentle and non-invasive techniques, I guide you in seeing new possibilities and facilitate you to find the best answers and solutions within you.

I am not a doctor and my approach is exclusively Holistic.

If you are being treated by a doctor or any other health professional, it will be my concern to respect and not act against his work and under no circumstances I will ask you to stop a treatment that has been prescribed to you. 

I consider the person in his totality and mental, physical, energetic and spiritual integrity and through hypnosis a state of discomfort can be alleviated, reduced or extinguished.

I work mainly on the positive and my motto is to listen with heart and work with empathy and kindness.


The Session takes place in absolute confidentiality, transparency and security

I am regularly enrolled in a Professional Register of Holistic Bio Natural Disciplines and I apply with dedication the ethical and deontological aspects provided. No one can make you say or do anything against your will. 


Once the objectives have been set, the session continues with hypnosis. During the Trance you can experience a very deep state of relaxation, almost as it happens when you sleep, but with the difference that, while during sleep the attention decreases, in Hypnosis the concentration increases considerably.

And it is precisely here in this state of mind of relaxation and focus that the mind can open up to multiple new opportunities and build better choices for your well-being.

The session will be a pleasant mix of hypnosis, NLP techniques and visualizations;

but also meditation, mindfulness, spiritual inquiry, body and energy techniques.

All you have to do is simply allow yourself to relax!

The first 15-minute interview will be completely free.

  • lasting 1 hour