Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon already present in all our lives and when used as a treatment, it has the power to gently transform the way we see and live our existence.
It is a natural phenomenon because the state of TRANCE, that is the event that characterizes the condition of being hypnotized, can happen to anyone spontaneously every day. Just think of when you watch a movie in front of the TV and the attention and senses are directed only to what happens inside the screen, while everything around is not contemplated. Or it can happen when you are driving and because your attention is on thoughts other than those you are actually driving, you arrive at your destination without remembering the road you have travelled.
My function as a hypnotist is to facilitate, through the use of hypnotic language, a condition of focus in which the recipient experiences a deep state of relaxation both physical and mental.
During the trance, the hypnotized person will be able to observe what happens inside and outside of himself from a different perspective from the one he usually uses in everyday life. In fact, it can leave aside the conscious mind, the one responsible for rational reasoning, which is influenced by experience and conditioned by its own filters, patterns, blocks and limits; and instead access the subconscious mind, amplify one’s senses and with freedom and clarity be able to draw on one’s own Wisdom and as part of a Whole, on the great Universal Consciousness.
And it is precisely in this space of openness that it is easier to achieve changes and results faster and more effectively and contrary to what you could think, you can learn to have more control over your own life and your own Happiness.
Hypnosis, therefore, is a state, an experience of being that simply can occur or be induced by bringing the focus to a very deep level of concentration.
I believe that the use of HYPNOSIS is the great innovation of Personal Growth and Wellness.