I am  a Mindvalley certified Hypnotherapist and graduated as a Holistic Counselor for Global Health and Human Growth at the “Global Village of Bagni di Lucca” Academy.

My training as a Wellness Practitioner and Bio-Natural disciplines covers the following areas: Meditation and Mindfulness, Body Work and Body Techniques, Energies: Subtle Bodies and Energy Techniques, Emotions: Human Growth and Emotional Transformation, Communication, Global Education and Holistic Ethics.


I am a holistic and spiritual researcher, constantly engaged in the study and deepening of different disciplines and effective techniques that in the least possible effort and time can lead the individual to make those personal changes in life to Be Himself and at the same time the best version of Self.

I am not a Doctor and my approach is exclusively holistic


Since 2013 I have been the Creator, Developer and Presenter of face-to-face Workshops and/or Online Courses for Personal and Spiritual Growth.

Mindvalley Certified Hypnotherapist with Paul Mckenna

Counselor Diploma

Registered in SINAPE - Counseling - NLP - CNV Holistic Bio Natural Disciplines n. 4955 and in the European Professional Register of Psycho-bodily Energy Techniques


Membership of IAPCP.ORG Internetional Alliance

Mindvalley Certified Hypnotherapist with Paul Mckenna

Diploma di Counselor

Iscritta al SINAPE - Counseling - PNL - CNV Discipline Olistiche Bio Naturali n. 4955 e al Registro Professionale Europeo di Tecniche Energetiche Psicocorporee


Membership of IAPCP.ORG Internetional Alliance