Think Thin is an attitude, a state of mind. It is not a diet but a very simple weight loss program that is easy to implement thanks to hypnosis and mental reprogramming.
It is designed to establish a new relationship with your body and learn to truly listen to its messages, trust it and allow it to guide you towards your ideal weight through a natural biological process.
Think Thin is a real path of Personal Growth in which, in addition to hypnosis, you will practice techniques of conscious listening and practice of presence, breathing, and mental, energetic and emotional observation.
Getting rid of extra pounds in a healthy way is a holistic change. When your body transforms, being part of a unique system so they do your mind and emotions. By listening to the Self-hypnosis contained in this package, you will be able to reprogram your mind to Think Thin and you can trigger all those changes necessary to get physically fit, improve your mood and live your life with more lightness and positivity.
Every week, for the duration of a month, we will meet online for a 90-minute one-on-one Hypnosis & Counseling session where we will cover different topics to speed up the entire weight loss process.
If desired, there is also the possibility of participating in a group chat on Telegram to discuss, get support and share the results.
At the end of the program, to reward and celebrate your commitment, you will be issued an Experiential Certificate of Participation in your name.
At the end of the program, to reward and celebrate your commitment, you will be issued an Experiential Certificate of Participation in your name.
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